What is your return / refund / cancellation policy?

We do not offer refunds, accept returns, or allow exchanges or cancellations due to the limited release nature of our collections.

Who do I contact with questions before ordering?

If you have questions about a product or the ordering process please email shop@jsdwellings.com.

How will I know when my items ship?

A shipping confirmation email will be sent to the email address associated with your order. Please be sure to check your spam folder.

What if something goes wrong with my order?

If your order has arrived damaged or defective you can submit a claim to shop@jsdwellings.com. Due to the limited release nature of our collections, a replacement item may not be available.

Please be aware that many of our items are vintage or antique and therefore may have signs of wear due to age. We do not offer returns, exchanges, or refunds for signs of wear due to age.